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Truck Accidents / 18 Wheeler Accidents

Truck Accident Investigation

Truck accident attorney Bryan K. Harris and his investigators realize that rapid accident investigation is crucial to gathering evidence and capturing testimony before evidence disappears and memories fade.

Rescue workers approaching the scene of an 18-wheeler truck accident expect the worst. Sadly, they often find that occupants of the vehicles have suffered catastrophic or fatal injuries due to the 18-wheeler collision. When emergency personnel respond to a truck accident, their immediate concerns are to provide necessary medical attention, to transport injured occupants of the vehicles, to secure the scene and to investigate the cause of the accident. Police officers begin their investigation at that time – taking photos, interviewing witnesses, and checking the drivers for signs of drug or alcohol use.

Get Help Today

Often the law enforcement officers called to the scene of a 18-wheeler truck accident are not trained in accident reconstruction and do not have the proper tools to fully investigate and analyze the situation.

Experienced truck accident attorneys at Bryan K. Harris PC work closely with knowledgeable experts to reconstruct the events leading up to the crash and determine causation. We investigate and analyze numerous internal and external factors contributing to the cause of an 18-wheeler truck accident.